Nate Craddock Headshot

Nate Craddock

Media Creator, Electronics Hobbyist, Developer, Leader, and Speaker

I'm going to be doing some updates to the animatronic skeleton I built last year for Halloween.  One issue I ran into at the last minute last year was that I didn't have enough memory to initially load all the animation sequences for both songs and patter.  I did a Band-Aid and just loaded the patter, but this year, we want to make our animatronic sing, so I will be doing some updates to load in the animation files on demand to accomplish this.  Additionally, we'll be doing less hands-on running of the animation sequences,. There will be a jukebox mode so the skeleton can run without intervention.

Here's the status of last year's code.  I'll rework this repo to clean up and remove unused options.
