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Nate Craddock

Media Creator, Electronics Hobbyist, Developer, Leader, and Speaker

The lack of process and QA, which could allow something like this to go out, is surprising. I've agreed with many of the takes that question why this was a global rollout and not a staged rollout where issues could be found and the "blast radius" would be smaller, though still disruptive.  It's easy to conclude that this is also a Microsoft issue.  That may also be true, but take this comment:

Do note that while the focus is on Windows, Linux machines can run CrowdStrike software too, and I’ve heard from Linux kernel engineers who happen to also administer large numbers of Linux servers that they’re seeing a huge spike in Linux kernel panics… Caused by CrowdStrike, which is installed on a lot more Linux servers than you might think. So while Windows is currently the focus of the story, the problems are far more widespread than just Windows.

I don't know many Linux admins that closely at present, but I'd be curious if this were the case.