Nate Craddock Headshot

Nate Craddock

Media Creator, Electronics Hobbyist, Developer, Leader, and Speaker

The opening couple of sentences nail it. There's a lot to getting things done, but one of the most powerful items is realizing that that project you're working on doesn't magically get finished by your own sheer will or direction. There's opinions to measure, feedback to listen to and people to mentor.

If you've been told you're leadership material, it may be due to these seven leadership practices. However, more often than not, people in positions of authority don't value the people-side of the business.

Frankly, they often defer "leadership development" to the lower ranks because they're too busy to care about raising their own capacity to transform the workplace and serve the needs of their employees.

I'll be picking up the book this article sources, "Fully General System For Learning To Do Hard Things" by David MacIver. To a small degree I've always done this as I learn and try new things. I really like the idea of finding an analog to the hard thing that you already do and slowly changing it, mastering it and iterating on it until you've mastered that hard thing.

So it’s not a guarantee but rather a structured plan to follow if you’re not sure how to start mastering the hard. He offers two approaches—one process if you already know what success looks like and one process if the definition of “success” is more subjective. In both cases, you’ll follow these steps:

I've been looking to build one of these as a project. I love the idea of it... there's a ton of potential in the concept for an awesome product.

Smart mirrors have been around awhile, and the most prominent version comes from Michael Teeuw. The idea is pretty simple; you’ll build a frame and box. Inside the box, you’ll place one-way glass (often seen on TV in police dramas), a monitor, a Raspberry Pi, and the cables necessary to power your setup. Michael and other contributors have created an open-source Magic Mirror platform you can install. Once installed, you can customize it to show your calendar, weather, news, and more. Installing the software is easy—it requires just one line of code.

I generally don't like these kinds of "X things you Y", but this one had a couple items that I thought was good, particularly this quote:

Some “leaders” believe that admitting when they’re wrong is a sign of weakness.

It’s not.

Stumbled across this one as I was looking at some old speech synthesis stuff.  Might come in very handy as I work my way through a pile of semi working commodore 64s.

How do you make sure the SIDs that are in the old C64 in your dad's basement works before attempting a MIDIBox SID, sammichSID or other similar project? (Or midway through the project your dodgy soldering skills makes you wonder if you just blew out your 50$ SID?)

It's always great to see how someone approaches their craft. We expect to see code in this day of easy to view, public repos, but it's even cooler that old source is being made available. Wonderful to see techniques used in these very memory and CPU constrained devices.

Last Sunday, the Commodore 64/128 Programming Facebook group was carrying on its business as usual when received an invaluable gift from Michael Archer – the source code of many Commodore 64 games he programmed between 1986-1992.

I'm taking a brief detour from vintage computers to vintage gaming consoles for a very festive holiday special!

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In this episode I'm documenting the gifts I'm giving my fiance... a restored & revitalized Vectrex with modern day mods and multi-carts!

For more info on everything mentioned in this episode, check out the links below:

I always find it fascinating how great UX is an interplay of layers from the seemingly obvious to the subtle. All of this takes it’s shape by taking the user-centric view and understanding what that users will need from moment to moment and context to context.

This is exactly what I experienced in Tokyo, by receiving each information at the right moment, I managed to reach my final destination without any worries. Everything went smoothly without even noticing how much I was guided.

One of the most fun parts of attending the ISCA (International Society of Caricaturist Artists convention 2018 was watching the last part of their art fight where two caricature artists had to do a timed caricature of the other using an etch-a-sketch. Amazing what they did. Of course, me being me I had to take a look at what could be done with technology.

Even if you don’t want to duplicate the toy, the comparison of the displays is worth watching. We were really hoping he’d included an accelerometer to erase it by shaking, but you’ll have to add that feature yourself.

In this episode, I continue on with the Vic-20 finishing off remaining items from the first episodes and then some brand new stuff!

  • Finishing the keyboard fixes
  • Fixing the power switch
  • Testing the memory cartridges
  • Vic-20 cxpansion options
  • Trying out Vic-20 IQ and personality tests!
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This one ended up being way more involved than I intended, but I still had a lot of fun making it.

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Mentioned podcast:

ANTIC Interview 285 - Jay Balakrishnan, HESWare

Antic is a great podcast. Definitely recommend it!